Thursday, August 12, 2010


"Hello, I'm Ashley. And I'm Addicted to Facebook."
Ah, Facebook. Anyone who is anyone has a Facebook. Your friends, your family, your teachers, & your mom. To me Facebook is a stalking site. You know everyone's business, even if you don't know them in person. The games, the entertainment, the addictions...I am a facebook addict. Everyone knows it. If I'm not logging into it on the desktop computer, I'm on my iPhone looking at it.

I read your status updates, probably! But there are a few things that piss me off about Facebook friends.

Number One:
When I comment on a status that has a "big event" happening, but doesnt describe it.
For example.

Facebooker's Status:
OMG, I hope I make this. I hope what I'm doing is for the best. Its best for all of us.

My Comment:
Whoa, what's happening that's so big?

Facebooker's Comment:
Oh, nothing. I don't want to talk about it.

Okay, You do not post things on facebook that you don't intend on talking about. If you post it on facebook it is officially everyone's business. I don't like not knowing things. i am a nosy person in general! So please keep the "suspenseful" shit back on your myspace. If you don't want people to ask or know about it, don't post it on your shit!

Number Two:

I hate commenting someones status or writing on someone's wall only to go unanswered. It's a SOCIAL network for a reason. Please be social.

My major pet peeve about this is when they know you have written, yet update their status without replying back to you. Really? If you aren't going to talk to me, delete me immediately because I have a lot to say about EVERYTHING.

Number Three:

Only updating your status once every two months. 

 Facebooker's status:
      chillin'    posted 2 months ago

Usually I delete people like this. Unless they are family, because I like to have FB(Facebook) friends who are active on their accounts.

Number Four:

Obsessively updating your status.

Facebooker's status:
is drinking hot coffee 4 minutes ago

Facebooker's status:
is going to pee. 2 minutes ago

Facebooker's status:
is sitting back down. 34 seconds ago

I don't need to know that you are having coffee right now, and then 4 minutes later you are going to pee. Please keep updates to a minimum daily. I update usually 5 times a day on a busy day! But if I have nothing going on it's usually 3. One in the morning, one mid day, and one at night. 

That is all I have to say about Facebook.
Have a Great Day Yall!

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